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*July 30, 2020 Update

All offices of Southeast Regional Sleep Disorders Center have PERMANENTLY CLOSED as of April 1st, 2020.  We are aware that many of our former patients and other entities have a need to obtain medical records but since the practice has closed and there is no longer any staff, it has been a challenge to process these requests. There has been a small group of volunteers that have processed hundreds of requests but they have been overwhelmed with the number of requests that have come in.  As soon as we knew that the practice would close permanently, we have made every effort possible to obtain a records custodian that could process these requests.  We are happy to announce that we have now obtained the services of All Around Business Services (AABS), an organization that can quickly handle these requests for a reasonable fee of $25. If you are in need of records, your HIPPA compliant request that is singed by the patient can be mailed along with a $25 check or money order to AABS, 1435B Augusta Street, Greenville, SC 29605 and the records will be mailed to the address that you provide on the form.  Records can no longer be faxed to patients or organizations and requests for records can no longer be faxed to Southeast Regional Sleep.  A records request form can be downloaded here.  AABS can only process records request and cannot provide any other service.  If you have mailed or faxed a request for records and you have not received the records as of July 31, 2020, you will need to mail a new request to AABS along with a check or money order for $25 and your request will be quickly processed.  Requests without the $25 fee will not be processed.

This information may change in the future so please check back regularly for any updated information. Thank you for your cooperation and if you are one of our many wonderful patients we extend our best wishes for your future health and happiness.


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Southeast Regional Sleep Disorders Center​​​​​
Freddie E. Wilson MD